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Feedback & Reviews

If you’ve made it to my website, chances are you’re a discerning individual who does their research, and already know my reputation speaks for itself – I’m the real deal.

I’ve been nominated for several adult industry awards, have been both reviewed and recommended by dozens of my clients in online forums such as PunterPlanet, and have even been awarded Highly Rated status on TnT

I don’t pay to advertise on any review forums and have no control over what is written about me, so you can be assured there is plenty of substance to back up my glowing testimonials in reliable, unbiased online commentary. 




Writing a review/providing feedback

I welcome any feedback you might choose to share with me or about me after meeting me, be it positive or constructive in nature, but don’t offer any incentives or reward for providing feedback or a review about our encounter. 

This is because I don’t want to undermine the overall integrity of my reviews, or make anyone feel pressured to speak positively about me unless they can do so honestly.  

I am not in danger of achieving perfection in my lifetime, so there is always room to improve, and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to gain insight into the perspectives of my clients. 

Unless you give me permission to share your feedback with a wider audience, it stays between us and is confidential. 


Feedback contact form

Prefer to remain anonymous? Submit your feedback here instead